
Robert Thompson ‘Mouseman’ Oak Standard Lamp, 1980s

An excellent example of the  highly popular Robert ‘Mouseman’ Thompson oak standard lamp, the tapered adzed octagonally carved central column leading down to a stepped, swept and facetted octagonal base with  a mouse signature in high relief. Circa 1980s.

Medium oak colour, brass BC22 bayonet bulb fitting and  new period braided three core earthed wiring and plug which we think looks much better than the pvc sheathed wiring on Mouseman lamps.

Size: 31(dia) x 138(h)cm

£ 1055

Stock ref: DS2999

David Siddall Antiques has earned  an enviable reputation in the UK and  internationally as a specialist dealer in the vintage works of Robert ‘Mouseman’ Thompson. If you would like to see other items specifically from this maker, either current or previously sold stock, please click HERE

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